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Thursday, 7 April 2011

Best mobile phones for £250 and under

Latest news from the giffgaff blog

Ok, so here it is – my last blog! Apologies for posting this up late but I have been ill with a cold Firstly a BIG thank you to everyone who has contributed to these blogs-agreeing and disagreeing with me, and suggesting other handsets and places to buy phones. I’m quite impressed, you guys (and girls) are quite a smart bunch!

Right, now down to business! I know there is going to be a divide on this one (and I apologise now) but the first handset I would recommend for the final budget of £250 is the infamous iPhone Now before everyone starts commenting, let’s be honest-it’s a stunning piece of technology which comes with an impressive high resolution screen. Ok, ok, so it has antenna issues, BUT you can buy cheap bumpers to resolve this problem Everything is pretty easy to use on the iPhone-email, music and apps via iTunes, and the camera finally has a flash! I actually prefer the feel of the iPhone 3GS, but I guess you get used to the newer model, and you can’t complain with updated features such as a forward facing camera. You can buy a second hand iPhone from eBay or a refurbished iPhone from the Apple store

Now the next handset has been recommended and suggested quite a few times on the blogs I have written, so I thought I would give it a mention. It’s the Nokia N95 8GB which I used to LOVE when I owned one! It now comes with more memory, there is no annoying camera cover and the larger screen shows off the impressive video capability when I watched Spiderman 3 on it (this is something the N95 came with when I first got the phone) The N95 runs on the Symbian OS which makes multi-media content easy to access and use. The handset does feel a bit bulky at first, but to be honest I like the double slide feature which reveals multi-media buttons to watch videos, films and take pictures. As suggested by ragnorak you can purchase this handset for approx £200 (thanks ragnorak!)

So there it is everyone, hope you have enjoyed my blogs for the past few weeks and once again, I would love to know what you think about the above handsets. And if you want me to blog about anything else, then feel free to let me know!


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