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Friday, 6 May 2011

Friday Poll results: What did you think of the Royal Wedding?

Latest news from the giffgaff blog

Friday Poll results: What did you think of the Royal Wedding?
by david_m on 06-05-2011 10:56 - last edited on 06-05-2011 13:00
So last Friday following the great royal wedding occasion we thought it would be interesting to see exactly what the giffgaff community thought of the Royal Wedding in a style that only giffgaff can do. Was it a giff or a gaff?

What a giff, it was the best Royal Wedding ever!
What a gaff, but thanks for the Bank Holiday anyway.
*Music plays Drum role* And the winner was …………

We would love to know more about what you thought to the Royal Wedding and how your spent your Bank Holiday so please share with us by leaving a comment below.

Next Poll: Who in your family and friend circles have you attracted the most to giffgaff?
Next week’s poll in a fun way will be asking the community about who from family and friends circles have you attracted the most to giffgaff.

Remember, if you want to be heard, make your vote count!



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