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Wednesday, 1 February 2012

5 a Day [20th January 2012]

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5 a Day [20th January 2012]
by the_joseph on 20-01-2012 15:32

Augmented reality Lego? Acrobat dogs? Slumdog Billionaire? Find it all here.

First up we have the future of Lego kits, augmented reality booths to show you the kit in 3D

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A great drawing of the two happiest keys on the keyboard (right handed only)

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An Indian Teacher contacts his bank about a slightly error in his balance - namely that he thought he should have about $200 worth (10,000 rupees) and actually had a balance equivalent to $9.8 billion. He wouldn't of been able to withdraw it if he had tried, but still what a shock to have! Read more here. Would you have done the same, or kept quiet?

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Think about trying to teach your dog to sit; this dog has balance skills to rival most acrobats! Check it out, can your pets do anything like this?

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And lastly a historic photo of one of the first camera phones. Myspace ahoy!

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So which one was your favourite? Personally mine was the last picture, made me snigger.

Til tomorrow!

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Artwork by Joshaw

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