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Wednesday, 15 February 2012

5 a Day [3rd February 2012]

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5 a Day [3rd February 2012]
by will23 on 03-02-2012 17:11 - last edited on 03-02-2012 17:21 by zobia22

All this stuff is pretty cool in one way or another. Enjoy!

This pet really is just for Christmas! (in before "lol who gets snow at Christmas?!?")

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I could totally use a self cooling drinks can on occasion... though in this weather it seems a little unnecessary. Check it out here

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SpaceX, the private spaceflight company, has recently tested out its new SuperDragon rocket engine. Read more about it here

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Just a cool T-shirt. Not a lot else. I'm fully appreciating the cookie monster as well.

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I could totally do this

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So which one was your favourite? Personally I love space and things so it has to be the rocket.

Til tomorrow! Will

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Artwork by Joshaw

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