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Friday, 2 March 2012

5 A Day [5th of February]

Latest news from the giffgaff blog

5 A Day [5th of February] by zobia22 on 05-02-2012 15:46

Today's 5 a day is filled with some very cool social media statistics, a cute boy showing off his dancing skills and more!

Oh, and if you haven't already, please vote for Vincent for the 'community manager of the year' awards. Click here to vote!

Scary stuff!

Anyone want to climb up these stairs?! Thanks drupad2drupad for this image

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How good is this little boy at dancing??

Share This by clicking 'Share' button at the bottom of the post or supporting on Reddit and Digg. Would you ever consider this?? 'An 83-year-old woman with a badly infected lower jaw had the entire thing replaced with a 3D printed titanium/bioceramic replica.' Click here to read more.

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So interesting!

Check out this very cool image of all sorts of social media things that happen in 60 seconds. < Click the link for the zoom version!

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This song is quite catchy! Thanks rochessel for sending in this video

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So which one was your favourite? Personally mine was social media in 60 seconds. But, the azonto dance is a close runner up

p.s. 'Best of 5 a day' will be posted on Friday's blog

Til tomorrow!

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Artwork by Joshaw

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